We are able to take detailed digital radiographs of both small animals and exotics that can be evaluated instantly by our doctors. Images can be immediately emailed to you, and to specialists for consultation. We have experience in OFA xrays, both with and without sedation.
Dental radiology allows us to provide complete oral care and treatment of abscesses, extractions, prophylactic maintenance or advanced surgery. We are also able to use the high resolution on our small exotics, to evaluate for hard-to-diagnose fractures or metabolic bone disease.
Our in-house ultrasound allows us to perform scans and guided aspirates. The ability to collect sterile urine via cystocentesis means any urinalysis are free of contaminate bacteria. In conjunction with other treatment modalities, it allows us to provide the most comprehensive diagnostic experience.
With in-house laboratory, we can reach a definitive diagnosis while you and your pet are still in the exam room. This provides for a more effective treatment strategy, which can vastly improve the prognosis for your pet. Online access and graphs allow us to easily monitor for trends.